SEO Marketing

If you also want the success of your business in this internet world, then SEO can be a powerful tool for you. SEO means search engine optimization which is a process that makes your website visible on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

SEO improves the ranking of your site in the organic section of the search result and you also know that the site and YouTube channel which has a good ranking, then more traffic will come on it and more traffic means more success. That's why SEO is a very important tool and process, so today in this blog we will talk to you about the important topic of digital marketing.

Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization?) -

SEO optimizes your website so that organic traffic can easily come to it. It can also be understood in this way that SEO means to make some such changes in the design and content of your website so that your website looks attractive on search engines and search engines may place your website at the top of the search engine result page.

Search engines want to give the best service to their users, so search engines want to deliver such results which are relevant and of high quality. For this, search engines scan and crawl the site so that maximum relevant results can be given on certain topics or keywords.

Search engines also decide whether the site is easy to navigate and read or not, and the site which proves to be user friendly in this matter is given a high ranking on the search engine result page.

By standing on all these conditions of the search engine, SEO helps in getting high ranking in the search engine.

Why is SEO so important? -

There can be many reasons why SEO is so important for online success, as you are sure to get high conversion ratio from SEO. SEO also proves to be a cost effective method to promote your business online. Apart from this, SEO provides free organic traffic and also increases the number of target visitors coming to your site.

You also get more profit from SEO because such visitors who visit your website also become your customers and to attract more and more visitors to your website, it is necessary to get high ranking in which SEO helps you. Not only this, SEO also gives permanent and long term results as compared to other advertising techniques.

SEO also helps you to stay ahead of your competitors because when your website is well optimized then the traffic coming to it will also be more.

Digital Marketing Agency in Dehradun 

What is ranking in SEO? -

Ranking in SEO means the position of your content in the search engine result page i.e. SERP. Hash tag – one ranking means that when people search for a particular term, your web page will show as the first result.

1. Purpose of the page

2. Content Quality

3. Website Information

4. Website Reputation

5. User Interaction

6. Authority and Credibility

If your website stands on all these factors then it will be very easy for the website to get high ranking.

Types of SEO -

1.   Black Hat SEO - Black hat SEO gives fast results and its cost is less. Using this means that to reach the top, a short cut has to be taken and it works against the guideline of Google. They take advantage of any lock pole or weakness present in the Google search algorithm for the best ranking on a SERP. Using this can lower your website's rank. Website search results can be banned. Example – Keyword Stuffing, Cloaking, Plagiarism etc


2.     White Hat SEO - White hat SEO follows Google's guideline but it often takes more time and cost to implement. But the risk is negligible in this and the results obtained are long-lasting. Most reputable SEO and content marketing company use this white hat SEO technique and tool only. Writing relevant and useful content is included in white hat SEO.


3.  Grey Hat SEO - Gray hat SEO is the link between black hat and white hat SEO. Using it is also not considered safe as it can lead to demotion and penalty. Paying for review and preparing article spinning come only in gray hat SEO.


4.   On Page SEO - This type of SEO focuses on your website and content. Its aim is that searches can easily find, use and understand your content on search engines. It helps Google and visitors decide whether your content is relevant, useful and helpful. Meta tags, Meta Description, Images, Heading, URL and Paragraphs are examples of on page SEO.


5.     Off Page SEO - Everything that happens outside your website and contributes to its ranking is called off page SEO. Social media marketing, influencer marketing, guest blogging, all comes under off page SEO. Link building is also an example of off page SEO and it plays a very important role in SEO. To bring traffic to your website, you have to continuously gain good links from relevant websites and for this use link building. Link building is a strategy in which hyperlinks from other websites are taken and placed on your website. With this, users are able to easily navigate between different pages on the Internet and search engines can also easily crawl the page of your website. Strong social skills, excellent communication and creativity are very important for link building.


6.  Negative SEO - Negative SEO is used when a competitor's website is harmed by using black hat and gray hat SEO to bring its own visibility in search engines. Examples of this are hacking a competitor's website and creating thousands of spamming links on their website and copying the content and distributing it everywhere on the Internet.


7.   Technical SEO - Technical SEO is a set of optimized websites and servers that make your site easier for crawlers and visitors. This positivity affects your site's conversion rate, lead generation and sales. Therefore, with the help of this, you can bring your website to higher rank in the search result. Its examples are internal linking and sitemap.

 Difference between SEO and SEM –

1. SEO is called as Search Engine Optimization while SEM called as Search Engine Marketing.

2. SEO search results appear as organic results while SEM search results appear as paid ads.

3. SEO results may show featured snippets while SEM search results may include ads extensions such as phone numbers, additional links, etc.

4. For SEO result you do not have to pay whereas for SEM result you have to pay on every click.

5. In SEO you cannot specifically choose your target audience whereas in SEM the target audience is specified.

6. SEO strategies can take a long time to implement, whereas paid SEM ads can reach your target audience in just a few clicks.

7. Testing in SEO takes more time, whereas in SEM, paid ads can be turned on and off at any time and target new audiences apart from quickly revising your ad copy and changing landing page content. Can go that’s why SEM is better than SEO for testing.

8. SEO may take more time but value is given more priority than time and its results last for a long time while SEM remains active till you pay.

YouTube SEO -

YouTube SEO means to optimize your video so that it can rank high in YouTube search engine. You should also know that YouTube SERP is similar to Google SERP. YouTube algorithm has two important aspects:-

1.     1. Well Optimized and relevant Titles, Description and Video Content.

2.        2. User Engagement

If your videos cover both of these aspects, then the YouTube algorithm will rank your videos higher in YouTube SERP.

Now know what can be the 8 best SEO tips to make your videos rank high.

1.    1YouTube Keyword Research.

2.     2. Optimization of YouTube Titles and Descriptions.

3.   3. User Engagement.

4.   4. Thumbnails.

5.     5. Channel Page Optimization.

6.   6. Use of Keyword in the Filename.

7.   7. Use of Subtitles and closed Captions.

8.   8. Use of YouTube Stories and Posts.

Note – If you are looking for the Best Digital Marketing Company in Dehradun so please visit our website.





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