Social Media Marketing and its Strategy

Today, if the scope of any platform is increasing rapidly, then they are social media platforms. Where new tools and features are being developed every month and the strategy of doing business on this platform is also changing. These social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Quora, YouTube and LinkedIn, their users start from millions and go to billions.

Now think for yourself that how much influencers make social media users and can do further. Here, from sharing thought to product sharing and selling, the work is done very easily and if the right marketing strategy is used, then with the help of these platforms, the business can be taken to the heights.

The trust of users on social media is such that users in the age group of 18 to 34 years use social media to follow their favorite brand and 33 percent of customers want to be contacted on social media from a company.

In such a situation, by marketing the right platform of social media, you can grow your business rapidly.

Social Media Marketing

What is the meaning of social media marketing? –

Social media marketing means connecting with your audience using social media platforms. So that you can build your brand, increase sales and drive traffic to your website.

This marketing strategy includes publishing great content on social media profiles, engaging your followers, analyzing your results, and running a social media advertisement.

Now we are going to tell you about the five important elements of social media marketing.

1.    Strategy - Before starting marketing on any social media platform, you should find the answers to these questions.

What is your goal, how social media will help in growing your business, whether you want to increase brand awareness or increase sales or generate traffic on the website is your target.

By answering these questions, what kind of content do you want to share, you will be able to choose the right social media platform, which is necessary for successful marketing of the business.

2.   Planning and Publishing - Around 3 billion to 4 billion people use social media. In such a situation, if you have a small business, then you have to be active on social media with consistency. So that your future customer can be ready. You can share blog posts, share images and videos on social media. But do proper planning before publishing. Publish the content of your audience's choice, that too at the right time.

3.   Listening and Engagement – As social media followers and your business grow, so will the conversations associated with your brand, which you will want to monitor. Through social listening, the brand gets this opportunity to track and analyze the conversions happening about them on social media and give their response. This is an important component for research for the audience and for that you can use social media listening and engagement tools.

4. Analytics - While using social media marketing you would like to know how your marketing is performing, how many positive mentions you have got in a month, how many people you have been able to reach, how many people use your brand hash tag on their social media have done. This type of basic level information social media platforms provide you and if you need more analytics information than this then you can use social media analytics tools. Like Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics, Twitter Analytics, Instagram Analytics etc.

5.     Ads Campaign - f you want to invest money on social media to grow your business, and then you can use social media advertisement. With this help, you can reach your target audience in less time. Can improve content visibility, increase brand awareness as well as increase brand credibility. You can generate community traffic, apart from increasing the conversion rate; you can also build a strong social presence.

After understanding these five elements of social media marketing, now let's go ahead and tell you about Facebook marketing strategy.

But before that, know that Facebook is such a social networking site on which you can easily connect with your family and friends online and you can also share whatever you find interesting and informative.

Although it was designed for college students, but by the year 2004 to the year 2020, it will become such a big network that even Mark Zuckerberg might not have imagined.

Today there are 2 to 3 Billion Monthly Active Users of Facebook and 1 to 2 Billion Users visit this social networking site daily.

If you will market your business on such a big platform, then you have to benefit. That's why these marketing tips on Facebook will help you.

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Facebook Marketing Tips -

1.  Choose the Right Category - Create your company's page on Facebook and while setting it up, choose the right category from Business and Brand and Community and Public Figure. If you are building a brand then the brand and business option will be right. But if you are your own brand i.e. want to promote yourself as an individual or you are involved in any online or real world community and want to promote that group then community and public figure option will be perfect for you .


2. Optimize Photos - Use high quality photos in your profile and because you are promoting a brand your logo will appear in the profile image. Which should be simple, easy and attractive and the cover photo of your page should also be perfect.


3.    Promote your Facebook Page - Promote your Facebook page and it has to be promoted on Facebook first and share your page with your friends who are interested in your business. Invite your click on your page and after reaching your page to the right people, keep on sharing such high quality content that your followers want to like and share. Your website and blog should also include social media follow buttons so that it will be easier for your audience to connect to all of your Facebook pages.


4.    Choose CTA Buttons - Use useful and most effective cta buttons for your business page. Use contact us, book now, call now, use app, sign up buttons. Using the right cta buttons increases the conversion rate and also helps in increasing the revenue. Along with this, there is also a lot of increase on the site and product sign.

Before moving towards Instagram marketing strategy, you should know that Instagram is a free online photo sharing application and social network platform. Which was acquired by Facebook in the year 2012? Through this app, users can edit and upload photos and short videos.

60% of people say that they find new products on Instagram, more than 200 million Instagramers visit at least one business profile every day. Every type of business can use this platform for its benefits. So if you have a small business, then to make it big, you must do marketing while being active on Instagram.

Instagram Marketing Tips -

1.  Optimize your Instagram bio - First create a business profile on Instagram and then optimize your Instagram bio. Instagram bio is the first thing users will see when they enter your profile, so make your bio informative and engaging. Mention the proper description of your brand and product in this.


2.  Use Relevant Hashtags -Hash tags play a very strong role on Instagram and Instagram posts that use hash tags get a 12.5% ​​increase in engagement. According to experts, 11 Hash tags should be used in the caption of every post and such hash tags should be avoided which are very popular. Such a hash tag strategy should be created which has a balanced combination of Highly Popular Hash tags, Industry Relevant Hash tags, Self Made Hash tags, Low Search Volume Hash tags.


3.  Take advantage of Instagram Stories - Instagram's Story feature is the feature with the highest engagement rate on all social media platforms. Instagram stories are short video clips or images that contain GIFs, link text, and are a very powerful tool for a brand. To connect and engage with your audience in just a few seconds.


4.   Also Try IGTV - IGTV is Instagram's video application that allows users to share videos from 15 seconds to 10 minutes. These are great platforms for brands to host video content that includes video and tutorials featuring product features, video podcasts, and question and answer sessions with followers.


5.     Use Instagram Live - Instagram Live is a feature of Instagram Stories through which users can live stream their videos. So that they can promote an event or engage with the audience in real time. With its help, you can directly connect with your audience. You can also host question and answer sessions on Instagram Live.

Note – If you are looking for the Best Digital Marketing Company in Dehradun so please visit our website.


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